Despite the war and the difficult economic situation, the salaries of Ukrainian civil servants increased by 40.9%, and now on average amount to UAH 54.4 thousand. It is three times more than the average wage in the country, which in 2024 amounted to UAH 21.5 thousand.
According to the media, the highest salaries are received by officials of the National Commission for Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NERCEP), the Accounting Chamber, the Verkhovna Rada, NAPC and CEC. The salaries in these structures reach 217-280 thousand UAH per month.
At the same time, the number of civil servants decreased by almost 30%, but the fund of their remuneration increased to UAH 188 billion. This raises questions about the efficiency of budget use, because at a time when a large part of Ukrainians are forced to save, officials are only increasing.