Officials found a way to take over buildings and land around the capital's last factory-kitchen of baby milk food

Kyiv officials found a way to take over buildings and a hectare of land around the capital's only factory-kitchen for children's milk food.

Despite the fact that the Commercial Court of Kyiv overturned the decision to privatize the facility, officials plan to lease the practically bankrupt children's dairy kitchen to a private investor for a bribe of 15 million hryvnias.

A pre-agreed bribe of 15 million hryvnias for an abandoned building with an area of ​​562.20 square meters. meter along the street The price of Elektrotechnichnaya, 10 in the Desnyan district of the capital is not too high, taking into account the fact that the main building is adjacent to a hectare of capital land, on which the "new tenant" plans to build a residential complex.

In order to carry out this arrangement, the capital authorities for years actually bankrupted the communal enterprise, which was supposed to provide children's food to the small residents of Kyiv. Numerous lawsuits by employees about non-payment of wages, lawsuits by the Tax Office about non-payment of taxes - all these facts are easy to check based on information from state registers .

At the same time, the main structure of the "kitchen" currently looks more like a horror movie than a place where children's food should be prepared: torn casings and fungus on the walls.

PHOTO: Photo of the premises of the factory kitchen of baby milk food

Anatoliy Karpenko, a former deputy from UDAR, who is part of the mayor's business circle, is lobbying for the issue of illegal acquisition and development of a hectare of capital land at the level of the KMDA. According to our sources in the KMDA, the idea to sell the "kitchen" buildings together with the land plot without holding an auction belongs to Karpenko. It is also planned to transfer the amount of the bribe through him.

It is noteworthy that Anatoliy Karpenko knows how to conduct such cases. In particular, the Kyiv City Council decided to transfer seven plots of land to an enterprise related to Karpenko. The relevant draft decisions were submitted to the City Council on October 31 and made public on November 5, 2024. We are talking about land for individual development in the Desnyan district of Kyiv, in the Troyes region: six plots with an area of ​​0.1 ha and one with an area of ​​0.292 ha were bought by the Vertykal company, founded by the charity fund "Call of Hope" of Anatoliy Karpenko.

In the case of the implementation of the scheme for the sale of the two buildings of the Milk Kitchen, it is likely that the movie studio "Film.YA", located next to the dairy factory-kitchen, may be interested in their purchase. The co-owners of the film company are Serhiy Sozanovskyi and Serhiy Konnov ("Film YU Television" LLC and "Film YU Production" LLC).

It will be recalled that attempts to acquire communal property through privatization at a significantly reduced cost have been taking place since around 2020. But thanks to the lawsuit of the Prosecutor General's Office, the court overturned the Kyiv City Council's decision to include the non-residential buildings of the utility company Milk Factory-Kitchen in the privatization list: "juvenile prosecutors proved that the enterprise belongs to health care facilities, which according to the law are not subject to privatization" .



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