Contacts of the editorial office


Editor-in-Chief: Valery Bykovskyi

Valery Bykovskyi

Chief editor of the online publication " NENKA INFO ". He began his career as a journalist, eventually moving up the career ladder to the role of editor. His expertise covers a variety of topics, including politics, economics and international news.

Contacts: E-Mail , Telegram


Editors of the news feed:

Editor of the news feed: Bilka Kateryna

Bilka Kateryna

He has extensive experience in the field of journalism. She graduated from Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, majoring in philology. He is distinguished by high organizational skills and the ability to quickly respond to changes in the news environment. Her job is to create and manage relevant and accurate content for the publication's news feed.

Contacts: E-Mail , Telegram


Mykola Oleschuk, editor of the news feed

Mykola Oleschuk

It is characterized by a dynamic approach to work and quick adaptation to new conditions. Received a specialty as a journalist at the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute, where he acquired fundamental knowledge in the field of media and news. Has strong analytical skills and excellent organization of news content.

Contacts: E-Mail , Telegram



Journalist: Velichko Oleksandr

Oleksandr Velichko

He received his education at the Faculty of Political Science at Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University. His media career spans over 15 years, with a focus on political and social investigations. Thanks to the skills of a political scientist, he has a unique ability to explain complex political situations and their impact on society.

Contacts: Telegram


For cooperation with the NENKA INFO you can contact the post office

Advertising department: Artem Pisarenko

Address of the editorial office: Kyiv, Holosiivskyi prospect 66 of. 18