Ecclesiastical holiday on February 14: What are Orthodox in the new and old style

On February 14, the Orthodox honor the memory of Equal Apostle Cyril, a teacher of Slavic, who together with his brother Methodius created the first Slavic alphabet. In the people this day is called Cyril Spring. Consider the traditions, signs and prohibitions of this date, as well as what holiday is celebrated by the believers in the old style.

A church holiday in a new style

Orthodox holiday on February 14 (February 27 in the Old Style) is the day of the memory of St. Equal Apostle Cyril. His real name is Constantine. He was born in the city of Solon (now Thessaloniki, Greece), received a good education and devoted his life to serving God. Together with his brother Methodius, he created the Slavic alphabet, which became the foundation for the writing of the Slavic peoples. Cyril died on February 14, 868 and was buried in the Church of St. Clement in Rome.

This day also recall Reverend Isaac, the Prisoner of Kyiv-Pechersk, and 12 Greeks, builders of the Soborna Assumption Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Church holiday according to the old style

On February 14, the Julian calendar honors the Holy Martyr of Trifon Apamese and celebrate the pre -holy September of the Lord.

Signs on February 14

  • Sunny weather - before frost returns.
  • Severe frost - until hot summer.
  • The loud chirping of birds is to warming.
  • What is the weather today, this will be August.

That cannot be done today

  • Swear, curse and insult people.
  • Refuse to help.
  • Treating teeth - it is believed that the procedure will not have the desired effect.
  • To speak unnecessarily - you can accidentally offend someone.

What can be done on February 14

  • To pray St. Cyril for help in learning, especially before exams and lectures.
  • To ask for blessings in writing.
  • To prepare a woman - an old drink of herbs, spices and honey.
  • To trample the snow in the garden to keep moisture for the future crop.
  • Paying attention to dreams is considered to be greater.
  • Shopping - this day is considered favorable for purchases.

Angel Day on February 14th

Birthdays are celebrated by the new style: George, Cyril, Konstantin, Michael, Fedor. According to the old style, the day of Angel in David, Nicholas, Gabriel, Basil, Timothy, Peter.

This date has a deep spiritual meaning and retains traditions that have been passed from generation to generation.



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