The SBI is investigating the illegal departure of Gennady Bogolyubov based on forged documents

The State Bureau of Investigation is investigating the case of the illegal departure from Ukraine of Gennady Bogolyubov, the former co-owner of Privatbank and a close associate of the oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi, with the help of forged documents.

According to the reports of sources in the law enforcement agencies, criminal proceedings have been initiated for facilitating the illegal crossing of the state border. Currently, one border guard who helped Bogolyubov to leave Ukraine using a forged document has been detained, and the full circle of persons involved in this incident is being established.

The press service of the SBI does not officially comment on the current situation.

We will remind that Bogolyubov left Ukraine on the night of June 24 by train from Kyiv to Khelm, using forged documents. The reason for his escape is the preparation of the Bureau of Economic Security for the announcement of suspicion in the Privatbank case.



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