Where to expect precipitation, and where it will be warm and dry: weather forecast by region

Today, Ukraine will enjoy mostly dry weather, although precipitation is possible in some regions. This is reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

Weather in the regions

  • Kyiv : dry, temperature +4...+6°C.
  • Western regions : snow is expected in the Carpathians, wind from the south-west direction, in some places up to 17-22 m/s.
  • Central regions : light rain is possible in Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions.
  • South and Crimea : warmer, temperature up to +14°.

General forecast

The air temperature in the country will range from +3° to +8°, ​​in the southern and central regions - up to +14°. The wind is mainly from the south, 5-10 m/s, with possible changes to the northwest in the western regions.

Despite generally favorable conditions, residents of the Carpathians should be prepared for strong gusts of wind and snow.



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