MP Viktor Bondar, co-chairman of the deputy group "For the Future", became the object of investigation of NABU and the SAP in the case of a corruption scheme, which concerned high prices for the purchase of cable and conducting products for "Ukrzaliznytsia". However, this is not the only aspect of his activity that is concerned.
According to activists, Victor Bondar, together with business partners, including former KSCA CFAC and Brothers Nasikovsky, builds a 40-storey residential complex on the slope of Alexander Hospital in Kiev. The construction site was rented in 2004, but due to numerous lawsuits that arose as a result of violations of urban planning conditions, construction was repeatedly stopped.
Interest in this construction is increasing due to a number of court decisions that contradict each other. In 2012, the prosecutor's office achieved the termination of the land lease, but in 2014 the Court of Appeal overturned the decision. After that, Budinform, which is the customer of construction, continued to fight for the right to build a skyscraper in the territory, which, according to local residents, is environmentally hazardous due to location on the slope. Despite all the claims, the courts did not stop the construction, and the company continued to defend its right to construction.
In parallel with the problems in construction, NABU and SAP, they investigate the participation of Victor Bondar in organizing a scheme of overestimation of prices for cable and conducting products for Ukrzaliznytsia. According to law enforcement officers, a group of persons to whom Bondar, with the help of Ukrzaliznytsia officials and unofficial intermediaries, caused losses of more than UAH 140 million. Using his deputy's position and connections, Bondar had to receive illegal dividends from this equipment.
He and other participants in this corruption scheme were suspected of several articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in particular for the seizure of another's property through abuse of office. For this, he is threatened with imprisonment for a period of 7 to 12 years.
Corruption schemes that relate to large public procurement always cause outrage for the public, especially when it comes to such important objects for the country as Ukrzaliznytsia. However, other aspects of Viktor Bondar, including his participation in scandalous construction projects, which can have serious environmental and social consequences for Kiev and its inhabitants, are equally important.
Now Victor Bondar and his accomplices are threatened not only for corruption, but also for violation of urban planning standards. When investigating this issue, the public requires punishment for all scheme participants, as well as the termination of illegal construction, which harm both local residents and state interests.