The State Customs Service of Ukraine will not check the way of life of officials of the Chernivtsi, Odesa and Kharkiv customs offices, according to the journalists of "Slidstva.Info" checks on their incomes and property. The official response of the customs service states that there are no proper grounds for monitoring.
In response to a journalist's request, the State Customs Service of Ukraine reported that it does not consider it necessary to monitor the lifestyle of customs officials, in particular Serafima Dumitru, Sofia Krikunova and Anna Asanova. These individuals became the subject of the Slidstva.Info investigation, which was published in the spring of 2024.
The response states that the Chernivtsi, Odesa and Kharkiv customs sent letters to the anti-corruption body with the initiative to monitor the lifestyle of these officials, however, according to the State Customs Service, no grounds for such a step were found, in particular in view of Article 51-4 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".
We will remind that after the publication of the materials of "Slidstva.Info", the journalists turned to the executive authority with a request about whether the checks of the mentioned persons took place. In response, they were informed that the customs had sent a request for monitoring, but the lack of grounds for its implementation complicated the process.
The department also noted that according to the approved orders, customs employees must comply with ethical standards and financial control requirements. However, inconsistencies in the officials' declarations, such as failure to mention the amount of wages, became the basis for further investigation and inquiries from journalists.