State Privatbank sold the network of gas stations owned by Ihor Kolomoiskyi

State Privatbank, one of the largest banks in Ukraine, announced the successful sale of what was once one of the largest gas station chains in Ukraine. This network previously belonged to businessman Ihor Kolomoiskyi, who in the past was one of the key players in the country's energy market.

Through the auction, 245 gas stations were sold for 695.9 million UAH, 17 million dollars, or less than 70 thousand dollars for one gas station, which, according to market operators, is very inexpensive.

The purchase price at the auction turned out to be higher than the starting price by only 0.3%.

The buyer was Ihor Suprunenko's Max Energo Resurs company, which the media call "little-known". Few people have heard of such a company on the market.

Suprunenko said that he started importing fuel after the invasion of the Russian Federation, when the market was restructured for supplies from Europe. Claims that he works with partners himself, does not belong to oligarchic groups.

According to him, they bought Kolomoisky gas stations in order to develop the network.

According to him, it is planned to launch up to 60 gas stations in the next six months, and then the same number.



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