Detectives of the Security Service of Ukraine revealed Kolomoisky's scheme to legalize UAH 4 billion with the participation of a sanctioned oligarch

A new high-profile case involving the legalization of over 4 billion hryvnias is unfolding in Ukraine. During the pre-trial investigation, detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (BEB) discovered that the scheme organized by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky was carried out with the participation of a bank owned by a sanctioned oligarch who is under international arrest.

In particular, Kolomoisky, in order to hide the origin of illegally obtained funds, organized the entry of unreliable information into the accounts of controlled banks.

Thus, Kolomoiskyi allegedly deposited cash funds into his own account in Privatbank, later this money was sold to Real Bank, after that, by simulating several bank transactions with controlled enterprises and withdrawing part of the cash funds, the facts of the presence of funds in bank accounts were hidden. As a result of the mentioned transactions, the lack of cash was concealed in the reporting to the NBU at the end of the banking day.

It was also established that the implementation of the scheme to mask the illegal origin of funds lasted for 2 years.

We will remind, recently the Detectives of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine separated the materials of the pre-trial investigation regarding Kolomoiskyi into a separate criminal proceeding, where it was announced that the investigation was completed under 4 articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 3 of Art. 28, Part 2 of Art. 366, Part 3 of Art. 27 part 3 of Art. 28 part 2 of Art. 200, Part 3 of Art. 27 part 3 of Art. 209, Part 3 of Art. 27 part 5 of Art. 191. The materials of the pre-trial investigation were opened to the defense for perusal. At the same time, the investigation of other members of the group organized and managed by the oligarch continues.

It is about illegal actions with bank documents during the actual failure of the suspects to deposit 5.8 billion UAH in the bank's cash register, as well as the seizure of more than 5.3 billion UAH, which were later legalized. Part of the money unjustifiably credited to the personal accounts of the oligarch was formed at the expense of credit funds of a controlled bank.

The detectives also proved the fact that the businessman had organized the seizure of more than UAH 3.3 billion from "UKRNAFTA" and participants in agreements on joint investment activities. In particular, during the pre-trial investigation, it was established that the suspect organized the seizure of the funds of the joint-stock company by concluding fictitious contracts for works that were not actually performed.

The suspect legalized more than UAH 4 billion obtained illegally.

Currently, the materials of the pre-trial investigation are open to the defense for perusal.

Operational support – Security Service of Ukraine, Procedural management – ​​prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office.



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