The scandal in the Ukrainian law enforcement environment revolves around three former detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), who, after years of investigating corruption schemes in Ukrzaliznytsia, got a job at this state-owned company. Even more indignant is the fact that one of them received the shares of the enterprises in respect of which NABU conducted an inspection.
"Ukrainian News" writes about this with reference to lawyer Bohdan Ustimenko.
Taras Likunov, Bohdan Brovko and Oleksandr Rykovtsev have worked at NABU since 2015, in fact since its foundation. They rose to the positions of head of the detective department, his deputy and senior detective.
They resigned one after the other during the last 9 months and soon signed employment contracts with UZ. Sometimes with a difference of a few days, although it is prohibited by law during the year.
At the same time, according to the lawyer, Likunov personally contributed to the fact that Oleksandr Shevchenko, the former deputy director of the security department of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, was served with suspicion by his fellow detectives. Shevchenko was fired, after which Likunov took his position.
In addition, in Rykovtsev's declaration, crypto-currency in the amount of about 870 thousand dollars and real estate appeared from somewhere. And his father-in-law was appointed to a managerial position in the Odesa branch of Ukrzaliznytsia.
And Likunov took ownership of the shares of the largest companies, such as "Ferrexpo" and "Myronivskyi Hliboprodukt" (MHP), against which NABU also investigated criminal cases.