Bohdana Stupka, the 7-year-old daughter of the famous Ukrainian actor Dmytro Stupka, started her acting career. The girl, who now lives in the USA, has already achieved her first successes on the set. Her mother, Polina Logunova, told about it on her Instagram.
"How much has been invested, how much is being invested, how much is ahead! When they told me: "This is nonsense", "this is unrealistic", "don't waste your time on this" - I reduced all expenses, my meals, I will buy myself something so that this day will come! Bohdana is filming for Netflix," Logunova wrote and published a joint photo with her daughter.
By the way, Dmytro Stupka himself reacted to this news. He put an emoticon in the form of a fire under his ex-wife's post on the network.
As you know, the actor was married to Polina Logunova for 6 years. The couple decided to separate after moving to the United States. They did not advertise the reason for their decision, but stated that they remained in a friendly relationship for the sake of a common child. Now the ex-spouses are raising their daughter Bohdana, but everyone already has new relationships.