Two ways: the future of Moldova depends on the Maidan in Georgia

Already in Moldova, telegram channels write that after the elections, Sandu, if he wins, will begin the process of unfreezing the military conflict with PMR.
At the same time, in Chisinau they want to follow the path of Ukraine and start "forcibly" returning their wage earners during mobilization and martial law so that they go to fight. Now everyone is looking at the result that Kyiv will get. If everything is ok, then other satellites will come into play.

Our source adds that now many are more interested not in the Ukrainian and Moldovan case, but in particular in the Georgian one, on which a lot depends. If the Maidan is choked in Tbilisi, and the authorities refrain, and still pass the draft law on foreign agents, then the thawing of the conflict "on the Dniester" will be postponed again, but not "cancelled". If Maidan in Tbilisi wins, 90% of the Transnistrian case will be deconserved within 12 months.



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