The Director of Forest of Ukraine appears in cases of self -capture of land and corruption

At home, Yuri Bolokhovets is currently undergoing searches at the CEO of the Forests of Ukraine. About it reports the channel of the International Detective Agency ABSultation. Official comments and details of investigative actions are expected.

Bolokhovets got to the center of scandals because of numerous accusations of self -capture of land and corruption. According to investigations, he and his entourage allegedly illegally captured more than 80 hectares of land near the forest in Chernihiv, where they built a private estate with houses, lake, stain and aviaries for animals. Part of this land is not registered with him or his partners, but recorded with parents and friends.

In addition, the Bolokhovka appears in investigations concerning corruption and illegal deforestation in Ukraine. In May 2023, his appointment was outraged in May 2023 due to preliminary accusations and even dismissal from the post of head of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.

Yuri Bolokhovets was born in 1982 in Ivangorod, Chernihiv region. In 2005 he graduated from the Faculty of Forestry of the National Agrarian University. During his career, he worked in various forestry institutions, in particular, was the director of the State Enterprise “Pryluky Forestry”, SE “Nizhyn Forestry”, as well as the Deputy Head of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.

From 2016 to 2022, his salary varied from 15.5 to 39.6 thousand hryvnias a month, and in 2023, he was 127 931 UAH per month.

During his stay as the Director General of the Forest of Ukraine, Bolokhovets initiated a tender for providing consultations on entrepreneurial activity in the amount of 14 million hryvnias, where one of the criteria was the high annual income of participants.



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