The Kyiv police have initiated criminal proceedings and are conducting investigative actions against the former head of the "Kyiv Metropoliten" KP Viktor Braginskyi. The man left the country using a forged opinion of the medical commission (VLC), according to which he was excluded from military registration due to an allegedly incurable disease.
According to the police, the search is currently being conducted in the company's office premises. However, the details of the investigation are promised to be announced later.
This incident became part of a larger investigation into the subway explorer, who is also involved in the case of flooding and depressurization of tunnels on the "blue branch" of the Kyiv metro. Suspicion has already been raised against him in the case of official negligence.
The police declared Viktor Braginsky wanted because he left Ukraine using a forged document. It is known that during this time the former head of the metro did not make any comments on the incident.