The former head of SE “Specialtechnoexport” Pavel Barbul, who is judged in the High Anti -Corruption Court for corruption, found an original way to legalize $ 150,000. He used a series of court decisions on debt receipts, where his lawyer was the plaintiff.
After the release in 2018, Barbul declared UAH 7.35 million in cash, but neither the NAPC nor the other controlling bodies was checked. Already after his release, he began to engage in usury, which gave him the opportunity to formally explain the origin of large sums.
In particular, three court decisions appear allegedly issued by a barbul loans:
$ 100,000 Dmitry Stelmashov in January 2020 under 3% per annum. The money was to be returned by the receipt by February, but it did not happen. The court, without any resistance by the defendant, made a decision to collect debt and another $ 6.23 thousand percent.
$ 135 thousand Vladimir Glovak in 2018 and 2020. The claim was considered by the Ternopil court, which, without the defendant's appeal, decided to repay the debt with interest - a total of UAH 257.2 thousand.
15,000 dollars of Mikhail Gonchar in 2019. In November 2024, the Holosiivsky Court of Kyiv, without objections from the defendant, approved debt collection and another UAH 31.8 thousand per annum.
All decisions look suspiciously the same: the debtors did not deny in court, the interest rate is the same - 3%, and the most interesting - never appealed these decisions.
Lawyers, analyzing these court cases, suggest that the barbul could use the income legalization scheme through court decisions. In this way, the funds are transformed into officially “suffered debts”, which allows them to legally put into economic circulation.
This technique is not new, and it is often used by the persons involved in corruption cases who try to legalize undeclared income. The lack of appeal by debtors only increases the suspicion that these lawsuits were staging.
Barbul continues the trial in Wax on probable corruption in "special export", and law enforcement officers have not yet commented on a suspicious scheme with debt receipts.
However, the situation looks too obvious to keep the anti -corruption organs unattended. If these cases are indeed a scheme for legalization of funds, then the prosecutor's office may initiate additional investigations into the origin of this money.