Mykhailo Yatsina, the former head of the Ternopil tax department, is trying to get his position back through the court

Mykhailo Yatsina, the former head of the Main Department of the State Tax Service in the Ternopil region, known for his fleet of 25 cars and more than 2 million hryvnias in cash at home, is trying to regain his position through the court. In addition, the ex-officer demands compensation for the time of his release. This is reported by the publication "Stopkor".

In August 2022, Serhii Babii, the deputy head of the DPS department in the Ternopil region, was arrested on suspicion of receiving a bribe of 5 thousand US dollars. After this incident, there was talk of the possible dismissal of his immediate supervisor, Mykhailo Yatsina. The head of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danylo Hetmantsev, in particular, expressed the opinion that "the fish rots from the head" and called for Yatsina's release.

The exhibitionist's war for a position in the courts

Mykhailo Yatsina went to court to get back into the chair of the manager. At first, the Ternopil District Administrative Court, held on July 31, 2023, refused Yatsina's reinstatement and salary payment. But the former tax chief, of course, did not back down and left the Lviv Eighth Court of Appeal. By the way, this is the same court that previously reinstated the ex-chairman of the Ternopil Regional Council, Mykhailo Golovko, and even ordered him to pay compensation.

The lawyer of the former official, Iryna Sidorova, immediately announced this on her Facebook page.

The lawyer of the former official Iryna Sidorova

At the same time, the lawyer explained that Mykhailo Yatsina plans to leave as soon as the tax service fulfills the court's decision. The DPS should issue an order in which the entries in the work book will be recognized as valid, after reading this order Mykhailo Yatsina will be reinstated in his position.

However, that was not the case here. The State Tax Service of Ukraine and the DPS administration in the region appealed the decision to reinstate Yatsina in the Supreme Court, and the case successfully returned to the Ternopil region.

The decision to reinstate Yatsina was appealed in the Supreme Court

Since lawyer Iryna Sidorova is currently on maternity leave, Mykhailo Yatsina's lawyer is her husband, also a lawyer, Vitaliy Sidorov.

The lawyer confirmed that the case is already being heard in the Ternopil District Administrative Court and explained the defense's position.

Mykhailo Yatsina wrote the application for dismissal in January 2022 - then the head of the DPS changed, she called the heads of departments and asked to write an application for dismissal without a date, - says Vitaly Sidorov. — The defendant was released at the beginning of 2023. We filed a request for the appointment of a forensic technical examination of the document's statute of limitations, and the question was raised whether the statute of limitations of the handwritten statement for Yatsina's dismissal in January 2022 corresponds to the statute of limitations. If not, in what period did the client write it in his own hand and sign it, the lawyer said .

The examination ordered by Vitaly Sidorov will be conducted by the Kyiv Institute. As of today, the court has already demanded the original of the decision, which was also reported by the lawyer.

What does the explorer of the Ternopil tax region live and own

Analyzing the case of Mykhailo Yatsina's dismissal, analysts could not help but be interested in the financial and property affairs of the Yatsina family, because the dismissal was related to a corruption scandal. And the first thing they looked at was the official's declaration. And we have a whole fleet of 25 cars (22 VAZs, 1 Citroen, 1 Toyota and 1 BMW.)

Declaration of the official.

Also, Mykhailo Yatsina and his wife Natalia and two daughters own an apartment in Ternopil with an area of ​​122.3 m. square meter, purchased in February 2012, two garages - one in Kremenets, one in Ternopil, and four plots of land in the Kremenets district, as well as a shed in the village of Ikva.

And the declaration also showed that Natalia Yatsyna owned 4 plots of land in the Kremenets district

As for official income, in 2023, the "earnings" of Mykhailo Yatsina's family were almost modest. The main administration of the DPS in the Ternopil region paid him UAH 110,805, and he received another UAH 67,256 as a pension. Meanwhile, his wife Natalya, working at the Ternopil Regional Psychoneurological Hospital, "collected" as much as UAH 196,829 per year, that is, as much as UAH 16,402 per month.

However, in cash, Mykhailo Yatsina keeps 850 thousand hryvnias at home, and 8.8 thousand hryvnias in the bank. The wife has 27,500 dollars at home, or 1.1 million UAH, and 7.2 thousand UAH in the bank. In total, almost two million in cash is at the home of the tax inspector of the Ternopil Region.

So, the conclusion regarding the corruption case suggests itself. However, the Supreme Court will probably put an end to the case regarding Mykhailo Yatsina's return to office. So StopCor analysts will be closely following the developments and will inform the readers.

In turn, StopCor's analysts addressed an official request to the Department of State Police in Ternopil Oblast and to Mykhailo Yatsina's lawyer Vitaliy Sidorov.



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