The Ukrainian diplomatic scene received an unexpected turn of events with the resignation of Emine Dzaparova from the post of Kyiv's representative to international organizations in Vienna. This decision was made after her husband, Gennadiy Bogolyubov, one of the business partners of the influential Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi, left Ukraine amid growing political tension and legal persecution.
She was dismissed from the post of Kyiv's representative at international organizations in Vienna. It is reported that Zelensky canceled his decree on her appointment.
The decree of February 22, 2024 on the appointment of Japarova is still available on the president's website.
It will be recalled that Gennadiy Bogolyubov, as stated by the State Security Bureau, left the country with a forged passport. The mass media publish a photo of Dzaparova driving the car that takes Bogolyubov to the Kyiv railway station.
Bogolyubov was told that he left legally as a 62-year-old father of many children.
We previously wrote that Bogolyubov had been trying to leave Ukraine for a long time, because he was afraid of being charged with the same cases in which his business partner Kolomoisky is involved. However, the authorities forbade his release abroad, even though Bogolyubov was already over 60 years old.