In Poltava, law enforcement officers detained a 32-year-old man who launched fireworks at night, breaking the silence. The incident happened at 2:30 at night, when the Poltava thus decided to celebrate his birthday.
According to the SUNP in the Poltava region, an administrative protocol was drawn up on the offender, as well as opened criminal proceedings under the article “Hooliganism”.
The incident happened on February 8 at about 2:30 in Nestor Gorodovenko lane in Poltava. Law enforcement officers promptly identified the person involved in the event.
A 32-year-old resident was the offender. According to him, he decided to celebrate his birthday.
Information about the event was entered in the Unified Register of Pre -trial Investigations under Part 1 of Art. 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The question of notifying the man of suspicion is currently being resolved.
In addition, the police made an administrative protocol on the offender for violation of the procedure of use of pyrotechnic means (Part 1 of Art. 195-6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).