In December 2024, an order appeared on the dismissal of the head of the National Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman Petro Sagaydachny, Lieutenant General Pavel Tkachuk. However, as it turned out, this order did not become a final decision, and General Tkachuk continues to hold his position, using an unusual scheme to keep the seat - escaping on sick leave.
It is noted that the general was previously suspected in the case of illegal enrichment, but in 2018 he was saved by the then head of the SAP Kholodnytskyi.
However, the dismissal decree appeared after the complaint of 21-year-old academy cadet Oleksandr Popovych, who, together with other cadets, complained to the parliamentary temporary investigative commission about brutal treatment, humiliation, extortion and physical pressure.
After that, the Academy opened a case against Popovych for disobedience, and then opened a criminal case - for exceeding authority and allegedly beating fellow students. Then there was a series of reprimands and expulsion from the Popovych Academy, after which he was transferred to one of the combat tank units, and then sent to an assault unit.
"In the dry balance: Tkachuk has not been finally fired, and Popovych has not yet been reinstated in the Academy. The court did not consider his claim, so the soldier appealed this decision," the Central Bank of Ukraine states.