Gennadiy Bogolyubov, business partner of Igor Kolomoiskyi, left the territory of Ukraine

The situation surrounding the business circle associated with Ukrainian tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky continues to grow with new circumstances related to his associates. According to reports, one of Kolomoiskyi's key partners, Gennadiy Bogolyubov, left Ukraine, which was confirmed by sources in the country's law enforcement agencies.

This was reported by sources in the law enforcement agencies.

At the same time, they specify that Bogolyubov did not officially leave Ukraine. This means that he either left her illegally, bypassing official checkpoints, or under someone else's passport.

Bogolyubov is married to Emina Japarova, former first deputy minister of foreign affairs and permanent representative of Ukraine to international organizations in Vienna. That is, most likely, the businessman is in Austria.

We have already written about the fact that Bogolyubov has been trying to leave Ukraine for a long time, fearing arrest in the Kolomoiskyi case. However, the authorities imposed a ban on his departure.



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