The head of the city council of Edinburgh in Scotland sought refugees from Ukraine

The head of Edinburgh's city council, a man who has held the post for more than two years, has been suspended from his duties over allegations of harassment of Ukrainian refugee women. This decision was an echo of serious violations of ethics and laws that regulate the behavior of officials in Great Britain.

"A senior Labor politician bombarded Ukrainian refugees on social media with messages asking about their sexual preferences, trying to set up dates and complimenting their looks," writes the Sunday Mail.

An official named Cammy Day regularly attended pro-Ukrainian rallies and picketed the Russian consulate. But later on, several Ukrainian refugee women complained that he started constantly sending them messages with flirtatious and sexual hints, as well as asking them out on dates.

It is not known whether these meetings took place. The Ukrainian women said that they did not know how to respond to these courtships, given that they came from an official.

A police investigation into the incident is currently underway.



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