Valery Tarasyuk, the head of NCRECP, conducts energy business with the Russians

The main tariff official in Ukraine - the Chairman of the NCRECP Valery Tarasyuk runs an energy business with the wife of Putin's oligarch Yevhen Giner.

Through one of his companies, Tarasyuk is connected to PJSC "ENERGY COMPANY "SEVASTOPOLIENERGO", all of whose owners - Yaroslavska Maryna Volodymyrivna, Altbergs Arthurs, Vigants Valts, and Sizerman Oleg Yuriyovych - are currently under anti-Russian sanctions of the NSDC.

Yaroslavska is the wife of Yevhen Giner, an oligarch from Putin's inner circle. The latter has been declared wanted by Ukraine and is being pursued by the SBU for supplying ammunition to the Russian army.

Tarasyuk was returned to the chair of the head of the NKRECP literally at the beginning of March. Although in 2022 he was dismissed from the same position for illegal manipulations to settle price imbalances.

Valery Tarasyuk, head of the NCRECP, owns shares in two private companies. Tarasyuk's business partners under these companies conduct business in parallel with Russians and persons included in the lists of anti-Russian sanctions of the National Security Council.

This is evidenced by data from open Registers.

Valery Tarasyuk, head of the NCRECP, owns a 10 percent stake in Metal Invest LLC and Metal Invest Steel Construction LLC. The only partner in these two businesses of Tarasyuk is Spektor Olha Mykhaylivna. She happens to be the daughter of Mykhailo Yosypovich Spektor, who until September 2015 held the position of president of the VS Energy financial and industrial holding. Ukraine intends to nationalize the assets of the latter, in particular due to the connection with the Russian beneficiaries.

Research into the further connections of Tarasyuk's main business partner, Olga Spektor, indicates that their activities are still closely connected with the Russians or persons to whom the NSDC has applied anti-Russian sanctions.

In particular, Microcell Technology Dent LLC, where Spector owns 86%, had a Russian owner as of February 23, 2022.

The director of the mentioned company, Ihor Kostiantynovich Zubkov, in turn, is also the head of My Global Universe Ukraine LLC, which is still owned by the Russian Oleksiy Olegovich Dobrogaev.

In addition, Ludmila Anatoliivna Spektor is a partner of Tarasyuk's business friend Olga Spektor in the LLC "Legal office-Spektor". The latter is generally the founder of the religious organization of the Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

However, ties with the Russians do not end there.

Tarasyuk's company "Metal Invest" mentioned above owns the corporate rights of "Relax-Energo" LLC. JSC "Energy Company "Sevastopolenergo"" is still considered among its founders. All the beneficiaries of this company are included in the sanctions lists of the National Security Council. These are, in particular, such persons as: Yaroslavska Marina Volodymyrivna, Altbergs Arthurs, Vigants Valts, and Sizerman Oleg Yuriyovych.

Despite the two years of Ukraine's war with Russia, Tarasyuk, the head of the NCRECP, has still not severed either his business relations with pro-Russian assets or his ties with the sanctioned persons involved in them.

This is how an official works normally. On two fronts.



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