The Government of Ukraine plans to carry out a reform of higher education during the current year, changing approaches to financing. Currently, there are two forms of education in the higher education system: "on the budget" and under a contract. It is proposed to introduce a new approach to provide state support to the maximum number of students.
"Today we are passing a bill that provides that students will be able to receive education at the expense of state orders, state grants, soft loans and contractual forms of education," said the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
The state order provides for completely free education at the expense of budget funds. Preference will be given to applicants with high competitive scores, and a share of budget places will be given to representatives of vulnerable categories. State grants will also be issued for specialties needed by the state.
Grants will allow students to partially or fully cover the cost of their studies and will not require repayment. The size of the grant will be determined by the results of the external evaluation and the chosen specialty. Friendly reception conditions will be established for veterans, children of heroes and other privileged categories.
These changes are aimed at making higher education more qualitative and accessible. The reform will apply only to new entrants, and in this way, the government hopes to improve the quality and accessibility of education in Ukraine.