Kharkiv rapper Say33, which recently recorded a video with criticism of the territorial centers of staff (TCC), was unexpectedly found in the military enlistment office itself. It was mobilized live after discussion with representatives of the CCC and law enforcement.
On March 20, during a live broadcast on Say33 social networks, he argued with the employees of the Tax Code, claiming that they were "not military", but simply "catch people" on the streets. He refused to recognize their legitimacy and tried to discuss, but the conversation ended unexpectedly for the rapper himself - he was taken to the military enlistment office simply during the broadcast.
The situation gained publicity after TikTok March 15 Say33 outlined two videos:
- In the first he stood next to two police officers and read rap about the shopping center.
- In the second, he argued with law enforcement officers, trying to find out whether they can be evaders.
The dialogue preceding the mobilization
Rperper: "Can you be a curtain?"
Police officer: "I can't be a shrill."
Rapper: "Why?"
Police: "Because I have a delay."
Rapper: "All means evasion, and you are not evasion."
Police: "Do you hear what you say?"
The law enforcement officer explained that he officially updated his military data and has a legitimate deferral. Say33 stated that from the age of 16 he never appeared in the military enlistment office and did not receive stories.
It is unknown whether the Say33 rapper will pass military service, whether he will still be able to challenge mobilization. Its history has caused a stormy discussion on social networks: some users are abused that the blogger "chewed", while others believe that the situation is demonstrating a new level of "mobilization battles" in real life.