Khmelnytskyi region is helping to build fortifications in Donetsk region

The new head of the Khmelnytskyi regional state administration, Serhii Tyurin, said that Khmelnytskyi, together with Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Cherkasy and Poltava regions, are building fortifications in Donetsk region.

"I cannot say how many workers and equipment from the region were brought there for obvious reasons," Tyurin noted.

He emphasized that the construction works are being carried out quickly and qualitatively, in accordance with the project documentation, and started already in 2024. Tyurin also emphasized that the workers are at a safe distance from the fighting line, so there is no threat to their lives.

According to the head of the regional state administration, more than 3,000 shelters operate in Khmelnytskyi, including educational institutions. Also, during the war, 2,000 additional shelters were commissioned.

Tyurin emphasized that there is a working group in Khmelnytskyi that monitors the effective use of budget funds. About 300 purchases were analyzed, and violations were found in 32 of them in the amount of 138 million hryvnias.

"Investments in the construction of school shelters are justified, as educational institutions are places of mass gathering of people that need an appropriate level of protection. In addition, rockets and Shaheds are not always controlled by large cities, and these dangers can become for villages," he added.

The Verkhovna Rada created a temporary investigative commission on fortifications and the purchase of drones. The commission was headed by Mykola Zadorozhnyi, People's Deputy from "Servant of the People".



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