Who loses the right to deferment from mobilization

The Government of Ukraine has extended martial law and general mobilization until February 7, 2025. However, starting this year, some categories of citizens who previously could use the right to postpone the draft may lose this opportunity. As noted in the "Telegraph" material, there are certain conditions under which the right to postponement will be canceled.

According to the Legislation of Ukraine, in particular, Article 23 of the Law "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" , certain categories of citizens can receive a postponement. However, there are a number of cases when this right will be revoked.

Categories that will not receive a postponement in 2025:

  1. Part-time and evening students : If a citizen obtains a second higher education or studies by correspondence or evening, he will no longer be entitled to a deferment.
  2. Multiple parents with child support arrears : A person with child support arrears will lose the right to deferment, even if there are multiple children.
  3. Persons who take care of relatives with disabilities of group 3 : Those who take care of a spouse (husband) or other relatives with disabilities, if there are other relatives who can fulfill this duty, will not be able to get a deferment.
  4. Single parents, provided that the mother is not deprived of parental rights or is not in prison : Single parents, whose other half does not have legal restrictions on parental responsibilities, will also lose the right to deferment.
  5. Employees of Ministry of Defense enterprises without reservations : If a person works at an enterprise or organization of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but does not have a corresponding reservation, he will also not be able to use the deferral.

What can invalidate the right to postponement?

  1. False information or false documents : If a conscript submits false documents or provides false information in order to obtain a deferment, this will result in the cancellation of his right.
  2. Change in circumstances due to health or cessation of care for a relative : If the conscript ceases to care for the disabled person or his health condition changes, this will also lead to the cancellation of the deferment.

In 2025, changes in the mobilization system will mean that not everyone who previously enjoyed the right to deferment will be able to keep it. The government clarified these conditions in order to reduce the possibility of manipulation and increase the effectiveness of military service.



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