Persimmon: With or without skin? The correct way to use this useful fruit

Persimmons, which Ukrainians are already used to meeting in the cold season, are attractive with their bright orange color and are not only tasty, but also useful for health. However, to enjoy this fruit as effectively as possible, it is important to know how to eat it properly.

With or without skin: the persimmon dilemma

Many people are faced with the question: should the skin be removed from the persimmon before consumption, or can it be left intact? Generally speaking, most varieties of persimmons, like many other fruits, are better eaten with the skin on. The skin usually contains the most vitamins and useful elements.

However, this does not apply to unripe persimmons. Unripe persimmons can have a sticky taste due to the tannin content, which has tannin properties. Therefore, it is better to refrain from eating the peel, especially if the persimmon tastes tart.

When and how to eat persimmons

To get the maximum benefit from persimmons, it is important to consume them at the right time. Fruit should be eaten no earlier than an hour after a meal and no later than half an hour before it.

Persimmon goes well with yogurt, cream and cheese. However, cereals are not the best option for the company of this fruit.

Taking into account all these factors, the correct use of persimmons will provide not only a pleasant taste experience, but also benefits for your body.



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