Today, December 20, according to the new church calendar, the memory of Saint Ignatius the God-Bearer is commemorated. Among the people, this day was called Ignatius Day, full of traditions, omens and prohibitions.
A holiday in new and old style
In 2023, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine switched to the New Julian calendar, so non-transitional holidays are now celebrated 13 days earlier.
- According to the new style, Saint Ignatius of Antioch is honored today. He is considered a disciple of John the Theologian and one of the great Christian writers.
- According to the old style, that is, according to the Julian calendar, today is the day of memory of Saint Ambrose of Milan.
Signs of December 20
Folk observations of this day help to predict the weather and harvest:
- Wet snow portends a rainy summer, and clear weather portends a drought.
- The sun in the haze - to a blizzard.
- The loud cawing of crows promises wet snow.
- Spiders are weaving a web - tomorrow will be a clear day.
The people called this day "apple day": it was believed that shaking off the snow from the trees brought the future harvest.
What not to do on December 20
The Church does not approve of quarrels, slander, laziness, envy, revenge or refusal to help. It is also not worth:
- Borrowing or lending money can lead to financial difficulties.
- Buying shoes is believed to shorten life.
What should be done
Today they pray to St. Ignatius, asking for protection from evil, the evil eye, good luck in business, family well-being and help for people who have departed from the faith.
According to folk traditions, it is worth going around the house with the icon and bowing to it to protect the house from evil, natural disasters and hunger.
Who celebrates the name day
Name days according to the new calendar are celebrated by Ivan, Ignatius, and Danylo.
According to the old style - Oleksandr, Oleksiy, Grigoriy, Yevgeny, Kateryna, Mark, Mykhailo.
Let's remember the traditions, observe the omens and do good deeds on this day!