Corruption Perception Index: Ukraine remains among the most corrupted countries in Europe

In 2024, Ukraine received 35 points out of 100 corruption perceptions (CPI), which is one point less than in 2023. In the global rating, which is transparency International, the country ranked 105th of 180 countries.

“A minus one is not a fall in yet, but it indicates the beginning of stagnation. This is a alarming signal for the authorities that we did not do not. Even though 35 is the average result between the countries of our region, we cannot afford simple, ” said Transparency International Ukraine Executive Director Andriy Borovyk.

The result in the Corruption Corruption Corruption Index is considered on the basis of 8 studies that have covered the period from February 2021 to September 2024.

“Among the factors that have positively influenced the result: the restoration of public e-declaration and reporting of parties, the adoption of the State Anti-Corruption Program, updating the legislation on the purchase of the Ministry of Defense and NABU-SAP activities and generally active work of anti-corruption bodies. Over the past two years, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court has issued 142 sentences in top corruption. Among the negative trends is, for example, the threat of effective implementation of DAP through the sabotage of some corrupt government agencies. Also in the last two years, attempts on journalists and the public, cases of political influence in various areas, a scandal with origins in the NABU and purchases of the Ministry of Defense or in restoration , ”the organization said.

Among the neighboring countries, Ukraine is still ahead of Russia, which has lost 4 points and has taken 154 in the rating. Last year, Belarus also lost 4 points, and is now on 114 lines.

Ukraine has lost one point in the index of corruption perception and took 105th place. The rating of the seventh year in a row is headed by Denmark.

The rating of the seventh year in a row is headed by Denmark with a result of 90 points. Finland and Singapore occupy the second and third places with results of 88 and 84, respectively. New Zealand, with 83 points for the first time since 2012, has been outside the top three, but is still in the top ten together with Luxembourg (81), Norway (81), Switzerland (81), Sweden (80), Netherlands (78), Australia (78).

Ukraine has lost one point in the index of corruption perception and took 105th place. The rating of the seventh year in a row is headed by Denmark.

Countries that experience conflict or have very limited freedoms and weak democratic institutions occupy the lower part of the index. South Sudan (8), Somali (9) and Venezuela (10) occupy the last three places. Syria (12), Equatorial Guinea (13), Eritrea (13), Libya (13), Yemen (13), Nicaragua (14), Sudan (15) and North Korea (15) complete the list of countries with the lowest.

Since 2012, 32 countries have significantly improved their indicators in the index and are currently considered to be countries with lower levels of corruption. In the same period, 47 countries showed significant recourse, including some high -ranging democracy, such as the United States (65) and New Zealand (83), as well as autocratic states such as Russia (22) and Esvitin (27). The countries where the improvements were made include Moldova (43), Kuwait (46) and Uruguay (76).

We will remind, last year Ukraine was in 104th in the rating.



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