The impact of massive missile attacks on the growth rate of Ukraine's GDP

According to the Ministry of Economy, in April the gross domestic product of Ukraine grew by 4.3%, which is slightly less than in March, when this figure was 4.6%. The press service of the ministry provided this information.

Between January and April 2024, the economy continues to show signs of recovery, thanks to record exports of goods, increased demand for construction services and support for infrastructure projects from the state budget. This was stated by the First Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyridenko.

She also emphasized that the stable operation of the sea corridor contributed to the growth of the production of metallurgical products and the extraction of metal ores.

However, problems with the power system, including attacks on power facilities and damage to transformer substations, create difficulties for power generation. This can negatively affect the work of industry and other sectors of the economy.

The Ministry of Economy also published two scenarios in its consensus forecast: one for the end of the war in 2024 and the other for the continuation of the conflict. In 2023, Ukraine spent 64.8 billion dollars on military needs, which is 58% of the total government spending and ranks first in terms of spending on military purposes in the world.



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