Former director of LLC “Operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine” Sergey Makakon has informed about suspicion of non -payment to the state budget of more than UAH 18 billion and organization of escape abroad under counterfeit documents. It became known from the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.
According to the prosecutor's office, the suspicion concerns two criminal offenses - official negligence and forgery. The pre -trial investigation found that Serhiy Makokon did not fulfill the terms of the employment contract as the CEO of OGTS of Ukraine LLC, did not decide on the distribution of net profit of the enterprise and payment of dividends for 2021. This has led to the state budget not received more than UAH 18 billion.
In addition, according to the investigation, in August 2022, Makokon organized a business trip to Vienna, allegedly at the invitation of representatives of the Austrian gas transmission system. However, this invitation was fake, and the business trip was only a cover for escape the suspect abroad, where he remained without returning to Ukraine. As stated in the release, Makokon was aware that his authority as the head of the company end, and from that time he will lose the opportunity to travel abroad under the guise of official trips.
According to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, macacon is charged with violations under articles concerning official negligence (Part 2 of Article 367) and entering false information into official documents (Part 1 of Article 366). The prosecutor's office continues the pre -trial investigation of this case.
This case emphasizes the problems of controlling financial flows at state -owned enterprises, as well as the importance of compliance with the requirements of the legislation on state resources management. Given that Sergei Makakon is currently abroad, the prosecutor's office intends to initiate the procedure of its extradition for investigation and further prosecution.