Kateryna Simonova, a former official from Zaporizhzhia, is accused of possession of narcotic substances

The former director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Zaporizhzhia City Council, Kateryna Simonova, found herself at the center of a criminal investigation.

360ua.news learned about it .

According to their information, on August 30, 2022, NABU detectives searched Kateryna Simonova and seized a number of suspicious items. In particular, she found a cosmetic bag with nine transparent bags containing the remains of a white powdery substance, and another bag with a significant amount of white powder, which raised suspicions about its drug content. Investigators also seized 100 euro and 1,000 HUF bills, as well as an iPhone 13 Pro, which, along with other physical evidence, was deemed important in the criminal case.

Simonova herself confirmed to the investigators that the bag containing the cosmetic bag with narcotic drugs belonged to her.

Kateryna Simonova was dismissed from the position of director of the department of culture and tourism of the Zaporizhzhia City Council on July 6, 2023. She currently works at Metinvest Holding LLC, which is owned by businessman Rinat Akhmetov. According to local media, Simonova had a personal relationship with Metinvest's top manager Vitaly Kysel and People's Deputy Musa Magomedov for a long time.



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