The Kiev TRI Combat presented suspicion of fake business trips of Shabunin

The State Bureau of Investigation (DBR) raised the suspicion of the Combat of the Kiev Territorial Defense (TRO) for abuse of office. The suspicion concerns the unlawful use of military service opportunities to obtain undue benefits and unauthorized business trips.

According to the DBR, the Troy 207 battalion is suspected that, while in service, he organized a business trip to Vitaliy Shabunin, the head of the Center for Combating Corruption (CPC) - without proper grounds. Shabunin, being a serviceman, did not perform his duties during this period, but on the basis of the orders of the Combat continued to receive full cash, including payments for a service that was not actually executed. The cost of these payments in 6 months amounted to more than 224 thousand hryvnias.

As part of the pre-trial investigation, it was found that the orders issued by the Combat concerned Shabunin's business trips to charity centers in Kharkiv and Nikolaev, although there are no confirmation of the availability of the necessary material and technical means or true grounds for such trips. At the same time, due to the lack of real combat missions for Shabunin, he was not actually in the service, but continued to receive state funds, which indicates the improper use of military resources.

This is not the only thing in Vitaly Shabunin. Several other criminal proceedings were also against it. These include the use of a fake military ticket, the assistance of NAPC officials in evasion, as well as the illegal assignment of the title "junior sergeant" without proper grounds. In addition, Shabunin is accused of appropriation of the Nissan Pathfinder, which has been transferred as humanitarian assistance for the needs of the Armed Forces.



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