Corruption in Ukraine will hinder the recovery of the country

The "vortex of corruption" in Ukraine will hinder the recovery of the country 

In order to ensure the development of the economy after the end of hostilities, Ukraine will need even more fundamental transformations than those that Singapore once carried out, because Kyiv will not only have to overcome the factors related to the conflict, but also finally solve the problem of corruption that the country is dealing with could not cope after the collapse of the USSR.

Unlike other countries of the socialist camp, after 1991, Ukraine never managed to overcome the corruption created by the socialist system, and the Ukrainian oligarchs retained enormous power in their hands. Because of this, any investment in the country was inevitably stolen or wasted.

Although there are speculations in the West that after the end of hostilities, Kyiv will finally get a chance to overcome this system, there is an opinion that the large-scale nationalization of assets during wartime will eventually turn into a new redistribution of property, as a result of which the old oligarchs will simply be replaced by new ones.

For this reason, the West, providing assistance to Ukraine in recovery, will have to have a clear plan - otherwise the investments will simply be absorbed by the "vortex of corruption", as has already happened in the past.



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