Corruption in the rear: Ivano-Frankivsk officials have appropriated over UAH 2 million

While Ukraine is fighting for its independence, corrupt officials are enriched at budgetary funds. In January this year, two officials of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council got into a corruption scandal, causing damage to the state for over UAH 2 million.

Andriy Giglyuk, Head of Transport and Communications Department, is suspected of wasting 600 thousand hryvnias. Meanwhile, the head of the City Ritual Service, Andriy Khrunik, according to police, appropriated over UAH 1.5 million.

About it writes the publication of StopCor.

The New Year in Ivano-Frankivsk began with two corruption scandals with the participation of city council officials. And it turned out that one of them is not the first time in corruption. It turns out that big money can be earned differently.

How much can you earn on a stop arranging

On January 15, 2025, the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Ivano-Frankivsk region declared suspicion of wasting 600 thousand hryvnias Andriy Gigluk, Head of Transport and Communications.

SUNP in the Ivano-Frankivsk region declared suspicion of Andriy Gigluk

According to the local edition of Galka, in May 2023, the transport department signed an agreement with the subprimal Ilona Kovalchuk to establish five bus stops. At that time, the contract for the amount of UAH 1,465,000 became the first experience in entrepreneurship, since FOP Ilona Kovalchuk was registered only on March 29, 2023.

FOP Ilona Kovalchuk was registered on March 29, 2023

And already a subprivacy has concluded eight contracts for the total amount of 3 940 257 UAH with the department and department of improvement of Ivano-Frankivsk, and all of them were concluded without competitive procedures. And the last of these contracts, worth UAH 1,497 000, was to establish five public transport stops. It was this treaty that the State Judicial Service, which reported it on January 11, 2024, became interested. And on January 17, the transport department published an additional contract dated December 28 last year, which testified that the agreement was terminated the next day after its statement.

As the police found out, a 40-year-old man was equipped with his own stops. He also selected cheap materials: paints, pipes, glass, rubble and more. However, in the acts of the work performed, they were noted at high prices.

In the acts of work performed materials were noted at inflated prices

And in her report on the official website, the police reported that “the city council official did not carry out the proper verification of the cost of the materials used and signed the acts of acceptance of the work performed. Thus, by abusing office, the official and his accomplices made the budgetary funds worth almost UAH 600,000. During the search, police officers seized documentation, mobile phones and other material evidence. ”

Moreover, only on January 1-6, 2025, Andriy Giglyuk received the position of Head of Department 137 974 UAH. Now let's compare with the salary of the military. Impressive, isn't it?

Andriy Gigluk

By the way, the court chose Andriy Gigluk a preventive measure in the form of a pledge of 121 120 hryvnias, and speaking that only 6 days the official received almost UAH 140 thousand in only 6 days, it will probably not be a problem for him.

How many in this position did Andrey Gigluk earn

Finded by Mr. Gigluk E-declaration for 2024 says that last year he earned UAH 566 364 and received UAH 1,234 of the national cache. His wife Natalia Gigluk earned UAH 254 390, received UAH 9288888888 and 1000 Kashbeck.

Submitted by Gigluk e-declaration for 2024

Natalia Gigluk has an apartment, a garage and an outbuilding in Hungarian - the owner of all real estate, the woman became in 2021. In 2022, she purchased a 2012 Nissan Qashqai car for UAH 138,000. By the way, specialized sites indicate a different price: there such cars cost 420-520 thousand hryvnias.

Nissan Qashqai 2012 release for 138 thousand hryvnias

Andriy Gigluk declared $ 30,000 savings. For comparison, in 2022 he declared cash $ 20,000 and 50,000 hryvnias, in 2023 - $ 25,000.

A week after the first corruption scandal in the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, January 20, 2025, SUNP investigators in the Ivano-Frankivsk region conducted searches at another municipal utility company. This time, KP “City Ritual Service” and its head Andriy Khrunik were noted.

KP “City Ritual Service” and its head Andriy Khrunik

As early as 2023, police suspected the head of the "city ritual service" of abuse of power. Investigators of the SUNP in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, then even conducted searches in the apartment of Khrunik.

Arrest on real estate

And in 2025 Andrei Khrunik again came under police supervision. And all because the municipal enterprise "City Ritual Service" conducted multimillion -dollar tenders to remove trees and pruning green space. Then he independently designed the acts of the work performed and made their payment. After that, the entrepreneurs, in conspiracy with the director, transferred the value to third parties for goods and services, whose actual right holder, according to the investigation, was the head of the "city ritual service".

During the search of homeownership on Chumaka Street in the village of Vovchynets, law enforcement officers found a property that was purchased by entrepreneurs: rollbacks, paving stones and video surveillance cameras.

Search of Andrei Khrunik's homeownership

Police also said that the documents indicate the overestimated volumes of work performed and the use of equipment that was not actually involved. In this way, more than 1.5 million UAH was appropriated, which was transferred to the accounts of a private entrepreneur, and further legalized them by transferring to other bank accounts or withdrawal of cash in ATMs.

The court removed Andrei Khrunik from the duties of the director of KP “City Ritual Service”. This is stated in the resolution of January 23, 2025.

Decision of January 23, 2025

The official is threatened with imprisonment for a term of seven to twelve years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term up to three years and with confiscation of property, as reported by

When the corruption cases of the officials of the municipal enterprises of the Ivano-Frankivsk city council went beyond their offices, the chairman Ruslan Martsinkov responded to this.

Head of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council Ruslan Martsinkov

There are more than 600 people in my team, and if you consider all structures, it is more than 3,000 people. Mistakes can occur and should be responsible for them. I support the principle that everyone should be responsible for their actions. Can I control everyone's thoughts? Obviously not. But if there are mistakes, they must be resolved in accordance with the law. There is a presumption of innocence and courts that have to make decisions. I condemn such cases and believe that responsibility is necessary , ”said Ruslan Martsinkov.

Comments under the report of Ruslan Martsinkov

That had time to earn Mr. Khrunik

Officially, that is, according to the declaration, the Andrew's family owns an apartment (2005) 71.4 sq.m (it is owned by the official). Another apartment (2002) in joint ownership with Khrunik Maria Ivanovna and Khrunyk-Gordyak Galina Orestovna. Khrunik owns a Mercedes-Benz 300d 1984 car (acquired in 2023) and a trailer. Received wages in 2023 616 900 UAH. In cash it saves 530 000 UAH and $ 26,000. USA

Andrei Khrunik's declaration

From business activity (FOP Nazim GG) Galina Nazim received 2 494 088 UAH. In cash it keeps 18,000 euros, 2,000 zlotys, 1 250 000 UAH, $ 40,000. USA.



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