Kryvonos could leak information from NABU, - Shabunin

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) found itself at the center of a scandal after the head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, Vitaly Shabunin, said that NABU director Semyon Kryvonos was involved in leaking information. According to a message published on Facebook, Shabunin stated that Krivonos could pass on confidential information to Oleksiy Chernyshov, the head of the board of NJSC Naftogaz.

According to Shabunin, this behavior of the NABU director can be explained by the fact that "not only Deputy Director Gizo Uhlava, but also Kryvonos himself is involved in leaking information from the Bureau."

"Otherwise, as a strong leader, the director of NABU should confidently answer about what is happening in his institution. I would like to remind you that only after the appeal of the CPC, Kryvonos did start an official investigation into the facts of the unethical behavior of the Uglava and other employees of the Bureau.

At the same time, the director of NABU continues to manipulate, mixing official and pre-trial investigation. Official - it can be done in a week, and based on its results, the Head can be dismissed. Pre-trial – will last for years with the Head of State retaining his position.

Kryvonos continues to save Gizo Uglava from being fired for leaking information to Golyk. And it already seems that the problem is not only in Uglav, but also specifically in Kryvonos," concluded the head of the Central Committee.

It was previously reported that the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, together with the National Police, conducts searches in NABU.

Subsequently, the SAP commented on the information about the search of one of the NABU employees. However, they noted that no searches or investigative actions were carried out in the premises of NABU. The search was carried out exclusively at the place of residence of an active NABU employee - a detective from one of the divisions.

The anti-corruption court allowed the SAP to search the ex-head of the Brovary RDA Birkadze in the framework of the case of disclosing data of a pre-trial investigation by a NABU detective.

Subsequently, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau launched a pre-trial investigation into the possible leak of information.

NABU Director Semyon Krivonos refused to come to the Committee meeting, where the leaking of information from the Bureau will be discussed.



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