Scientists from the University College of London published the results of the study, which indicate that the harm from smoking to human health is twice as great as previously assumed. According to their conclusions, one smoked cigarette shortens life by 20 minutes , and smokers on average lose up to 10 years of their life .
A new assessment of the harm of cigarettes has found that they shorten life expectancy more than doctors previously thought. Researchers from University College London listed the negative effects of smoking and concluded that smoking one cigarette shortens a smoker's life expectancy by about 20 minutes on average: 17 minutes for men and 22 minutes for women.
The study, commissioned by the Department of Health, builds on recent data from the British Doctors Study, which was launched in 1951 as one of the world's first large-scale studies of the effects of smoking, and the Million Women Study, which tracked women's health. since 1996.
People tend to know that smoking is bad, but they tend to underestimate just how bad. On average, smokers who do not quit smoking lose about ten years of life. This is 10 years of precious time, life moments and important events with loved ones
Although some smokers live a long time, others develop smoking-related diseases and even die from them in their 40s. The difference is due to differences in smoking habits, such as the type of cigarette used, the number of puffs taken, and how deeply smokers inhale.
People also vary in how sensitive they are to the toxic substances in cigarette smoke.
The European Commission has recommended strengthening the protection of people from exposure to second-hand smoke and aerosols through the revision of the Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments. The new initiative calls on member states to extend smoke-free policies to key outdoor areas to better protect EU citizens, especially children and young people.