The expert of the Secretariat of the High Qualifications Commission of Judges (CCCS) Olena Ponomarenko could move to a new business class apartment in the center of Kiev, but did not reflect in the declarations. Housing is recorded for her mother, but official income of the family does not explain where the money came from on such an expensive purchase.
Sale of an old apartment and a requirement of cash in dollars
Elena Ponomarenko declared the use of a 2-room apartment of 98 m² , which belongs to her mother. But since the summer of 2023 it has been for sale .
When asked by buyers about payment through the bank Ponomarenko stated that she only accepts cash in US dollars and added that banknotes should be not older in 2006.
New Housing-Elite Real Estate Business Class
After the sale of the old apartment, the official moved to a new home in the center of Kiev , which was also recorded for her mother.
The area of the apartment is 92.2 m² .
Purchase date - June 21, 2024 .
The price in documents is almost 3 million UAH (~ $ 75 thousand).
The market value of similar housing is from 7.5 to 8 million UAH (~ 180 thousand).
Why does the documents have a low cost?
An independent estimate confirms that the real cost of housing is several times higher than the declared .
Finance does not converge
Elena Ponomarenko's income:
▪️ 2023 - salary in the SCCS UAH 1.6 million , savings 600 thousand UAH .
▪️ 2024 (January-October) -salary of UAH 1.8 million , savings 820 thousand UAH .
▪️ She was even able to postpone 220 thousand UAH per year of buying an apartment.
Mother's income:
▪️ for 1999-2023 officially earned UAH 1.5 million , of which UAH 1.4 million -from the sale of real estate in 2018.
Father's income:
▪️ former prosecutor and judge, in 1999-2023, officially earned just over UAH 2 million .
Fact: Official income is not enough to buy an elite apartment in the center of Kiev.
Family Secret: "I don't have to answer where I have money"
Journalists appealed to the mother of Elena Ponomarenko with the question of the origin of the funds.
Answer: “What should I answer, where do I have? Uh, lucky! ”
For clarification of only 1.4 million UAH of official income for 20 years , the woman said she could keep money in cash at home .
The father also could not accumulate funds for three apartments in Kiev and the suburbs .
Where is the money from? Will the investigation be?
It looks like:
▪️ Declarations do not reflect real income.
▪️ apartments are issued for relatives to avoid checks.
▪️ The cost of real estate in the documents is reduced.
The question is whether the anti -corruption authorities will pay attention to this situation, whether it will remain another case when officials avoid financial transparency.