Doctors beat on alar

Doctors are increasingly capturing vision losses among patients taking the popular Ozempic drug. This drug is used to treat the second type of diabetes, as well as to combat overweight.

According to Mail Online, several studies are already known, the authors of which associate injections with serious side effects. In particular, it is about inflammation and blocking blood flow to the eyes, which leads to serious, sometimes irreversible loss of vision.

It is emphasized that scientists have now described nine new cases concerning Americans who blinded after the use of Seaglutide or Tirzeatide - the active components of Ozempic and Mounjaro. For example, one of the patients suffering from diabetes introduced only one injection of Semaglutide, and the next morning she woke up and realized that she did not see her left eye. The woman immediately stopped taking the drug, but after two months she had to restore treatment due to progress of diabetes.

"In two weeks, she lost his eyesight and on her right eye," the publication said.

Another patient regularly received Seaglutide, but found a "painless shadow" in the left eye a year. The symptom also arose after the morning awakening of the woman. During the examination, doctors found damage to the blood vessels of the retina, which led to blindness.

Also describes the history of the American, whose hemorrhage in the left eye began in the year of receiving the tirzepatide. Despite the alarming manifestation, doctors recommended to continue taking the drug because they did not see the connection between the condition of the man and injections for weight loss.

"Experts note that the exact mechanism of this phenomenon has not yet been established, but it is assumed that drugs such as Ozempic, sharply reducing blood sugar, can damage the blood vessels of the eye, causing vision loss," Mail Online writes.

Other medical news

As we wrote, excessive use of red meat adversely affects the health of the heart and has a negative effect on the brain. A large -scale study revealed an alarming relationship between red meat consumption and an increased risk of dementia.

The study has covered health and food data 133 771 participants over several decades. During this time, dementia was diagnosed with 11 173 people. The key was that people who consumed more than 20 grams of red meat (such as bacon or hot dog) daily, the risk of dementia was 13% higher than those who consumed the minimum amount of this meat.



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