Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy once again went to the forum of local councils in Germany

We are informed that the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovy, went to Germany yesterday for the 100,500th time for another forum of local councils. Together with Sadov, his first deputy Moskalenko and chief architect Lviv Kolomeitsev left.

The adventures of the mayor with business trips to the countries of the European Union have already become a tradition, but they still remain unclear to the public. The conditions of war and the need to mobilize all resources for the development of the city and strengthening of security require the special attention of the mayor and his team, but he once again chose the path to Europe.

Employees of the city administration took the liberty of jokingly suggesting why Sadovoy has to travel abroad so often. Perhaps it is related to personal matters, such as visiting children, or just relaxing with friends. However, everyone has their own vision of the necessary mobilization and priorities in times of war.

We don't really understand why Sadovoy goes for walks in the EU almost every month, but during the war, Andriy Ivanovich went there often. You can visit the children, you can just “drink a beer or a cup of coffee”.

Everyone has their own war and their own foreign countries.



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