Millionaire in the Unemployment Service: As Director of the Kiev Employment Center declared $ 1 million in cash

The director of the Kyiv City Employment Center Dmitry Novitsky, who heads the institution that has been taking care of people who have lost their work, was one of the richest officials in the capital.

According to his declaration, he and his wife retain almost $ 1 million and euros , despite its modest official salary.

Official Finance: Official Revenue and Included Wealth

According to the declaration for the last year:
the salary of Dmitry Novitsky - just over 500 thousand UAH per year.
His wife earned about 2 million UAH .

And now the most interesting is the cash assets of the Novitsky family:
418.5 thousand euros and $ 360 thousand - the official himself.
448.7 thousand euros and $ 377 thousand - his wife.

Together, it is more than 1 million euros and in cash , which clearly does not meet the official income of the family.

Biography: from manager to a millionaire

Novitsky's biography raises no less questions than his financial condition.

▪️ 2011 - graduated from the Academy of Labor and Social Relations of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine in the specialty "Finance".
▪️ 2023 - received a diploma at KNU. Shevchenko in the specialty "Management".

▪️ 2010 - Manager at Tico Holding LLC.
▪️ 2015-2021-FEA manager at Tamako-Invest LLC.
▪️ 2021–2023-Executive Director of Tamako-Invest.
▪️ 2023 - Advisor to the Director of the State Employment Center.
▪️ Since June 2023 - Director of the Kyiv City Employment Center.

The unanswered question

Where does the head of the state institution, which should help the unemployed, have such wealth? How did Novitsky, having an annual salary of half a million hryvnias, have accumulated millions in currency with his wife?

This story is another demonstrative example of how civil servants in Ukraine manage to live to a completely different level than official revenues allow. Whether the reaction of the relevant organs is a matter of time.



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