Since March 2025, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine temporarily assumes the issuance of assistance letters to travel abroad artists and media of conscript age. The decision has been made due to numerous cases of untimely return or complete ignoring the obligations of legislation in Ukraine.
The reasons for the decision
According to the Ministry of Culture, more and more artists and journalists have not returned to Ukraine after receiving letters from receiving letters from foreign business trips to Ukraine in due time or remain abroad indefinitely.
"The rules of departure of artists and media abroad during martial law need clarification to prevent abuse," the Ministry of Culture said.
From March 3, 2025 to the regulatory regulation of this issue, the Ministry suspends the issuance of letters of assistance to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the departure of the specified category of persons outside the state border
Due to the gaps in national law, as noted, "numerous cases have arisen when persons who have received the permission of the State Border Service for temporary departure abroad by letter of assistance from the Ministry have not returned to Ukraine in due time."
It is reported that today the question remains unregulated.
Currently, as stated in the Ministry, a draft amendment to a government resolution has been developed at the stage of interagency approval.
The changes should resolve the issues of comprehensive requirements for the decision to make a letter to assist men of conscript age working in the field of culture, information security, strategic communications and linear audiovisual media for their temporary departure abroad during the martial law.
The Ministry is aware of the importance and necessity of continuous international cultural and media interaction and is currently working to eliminate the said legal unusual.