A marine is in prison for refusing to cross the Dnipro: what is happening in the Kherson region

A Ukrainian marine was sentenced to five years in prison for refusing to cross the Dnipro River to anchor in Krynyky, Kherson Region. This case causes indignation and sparks a debate about law and order and military discipline in the conditions of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.

A native of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, Yuriy M. served on mobilization as a gunner-operator in one of the marine infantry brigades. On November 5, 2023, the company commander in line-up brought the combat order to the unit - to force the Dnipro in the Kherson region and gain a foothold in Krynyk, occupying the crossroads there.

At the same time, he filmed the construction on a mobile phone. Perhaps realizing that someone will refuse to comply with the order.

Yuriy publicly declared his disagreement with the order and refused to comply with it. Soon a case was opened against him for disobedience committed under martial law or in a combat situation. He was detained on December 11.

The man pleaded not guilty at the court hearing. He said that earlier during the hostilities, he had received a concussion, which he informed his commanders about and asked to be allowed to pass the VLK. However, the medical commission did not pay attention to his complaints and found him fit.

Yuriy also reported that he has a disabled child and an elderly grandmother to support him.

Other servicemen of the company said that the man refused to carry out the order because he was scared and afraid of water in general, and he did not complain about his health or bad psychological condition. They also said that Yuri's refusal had a negative impact on the psychological climate in the unit.

The court ruled that the order did not have "obviously criminal content, therefore it was subject to unconditional and consistent execution by the latter". So Yury was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison.



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