Mykola Tyshchenko is the deputy we elected

During the five years of his political career, Mykola Tyshchenko, People's Deputy of Ukraine, repeatedly became the center of various scandals and public discussions. His name often appeared in the headlines regarding conflict situations and emotional outbursts in the Ukrainian parliament.

People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko again became the hero of the news tapes after the scandal involving the beating of a military man in Dnipro. During his time under the dome of the Rada, he mastered the lifestyle of a recluse — he lives in apartments and drives other people's cars.

Brief dossier

Before the Verkhovna Rada, he was the owner of a chain of restaurants and hosted the TV show "Revisor". In 2019, he was elected as a deputy for the 219th district (Svyatoshinsky district of Kyiv) from the Servant of the People party.

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In January 2023, Tyshchenko was expelled from the Servant of the People faction and party, removing him from the key position of deputy head of the faction. They were also removed from the leadership of the Transcarpathian regional organization "Servants of the People".

Currently, he is the deputy chairman of the Committee on Transport and Infrastructure. Extra-fractional.


In 2022, Tyshchenko became involved in the TSK regarding forest, water resources and eco-inspection. He suggested that the Armed Forces should protect forests and mountains during the war.

However, the reports did not gain votes.

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Activity in 2019-2024

At the end of 2022, he voted for urban planning reform (#5655). Voted against opening the register of declarations.

Did he become poorer/richer?

Tyshchenko's declarations are a separate art of finding loopholes in legislation. Recently, "UP" journalist Mykhailo Tkach spent several days visiting the people's deputy in Uzhgorod and saw a pile of undeclared property:

  • Mercerdes-Benz V250 electric car (registered for another person);
  • he also did not declare his wife (because he divorced, and this allows her property and income to be excluded from the document). But they were seen together.
  • living (undeclared) in the apartment of the most expensive residential complex in Uzhhorod of Alla Baranovska's ex-wife;
  • perhaps a hidden business.

The ex also gave him UAH 12 million after the divorce. The gift arrived on February 15, 2024, and the couple divorced at the end of 2023.

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Residential complex "PecherSKY"

Tyshchenko also used an apartment and parking spaces in the elite residential complex "PecherSKY" in the capital for free.

Although we shouldn't expect special sensations from Tyshchenko's declaration (because he doesn't declare much), let's see how the state of his financial affairs has changed.

At the start of his entry into the Rada in 2019, Tyshchenko declared:

  • his wife's apartment in Kyiv;
  • a land plot of 1,000 m2 in Kyiv to his wife
  • the couple used two parking spaces of a relative of Vitaly Sitak, a business partner in the restaurant business, free of charge.
  • free use of Sitak's apartment in Kyiv and his father's apartment.

He also indicated his wife's collection of handbags and jewelry: Dior, Prada, Chanel, Balenciaga, Celine, Bottega Veneta, Yves Salomon, Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, Hermes, a Cartier ring and bracelet, several Rolex watches, including 3 of Tyshchenko himself. The deputy was also not far behind and had Breguet, Bovet 1822, Patek Philippe, Hublot, Audemars Piguet watches.

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Savings at the beginning of a political career and now

During Tyshchenko's tenure in the Council, his wife moved to a Mercedes-Benz E400 (1.3 million hryvnias), she also acquired a non-residential premises in Kyiv in 2020 (jointly with Volodymyr Sitak and Gennady Dmitriev with an area of ​​283.5 square meters) . She is the owner of beauty salons in Kyiv and Uzhhorod.

The deputy's savings also increased: he already had 242,000 euros (11,000 in 2019), 41,500 dollars (compared to 38,500 before). The wife kept 9.15 million hryvnias (in 2019 — 980 thousand hryvnias) and 290 thousand dollars in cash.

Media reputation

Tyshchenko is lucky to get into scandals. There are so many of them that we will simply list them item by item:

  • Tyshchenko's sister appears in the investigations about the Podilsko-Voskresensky Bridge;
  • compared Ukraine to a rubber doll;
  • covid party;
  • the work of "Veluru" in lockdown;
  • distributed lemons to people who lost their homes in Poznyaki;
  • called the Chernobyl disaster a holiday;
  • escape to Transcarpathia at the beginning of the invasion;
  • low-quality body armor for TRO;
  • donated an "ambulance" from himself, which was actually bought by a capital developer;
  • announced the capture of the Lebanese Armed Forces instead of Liman.
  • a trip to Thailand in the middle of the war;
  • tore Goncharenko's pants;


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