In the Ternopil region, facts of violence against children were established in a special school: an investigation has been launched

In the Ternopil region, law enforcement officers established facts of violence and violation of the rights of pupils in a specialized school for children with special needs. As reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General, an investigation has been launched under four articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which relate to offenses against children.

"An investigation has been launched into the facts of violent acts in one of the special educational institutions of the Ternopil region," the message reads.

As indicated, based on the results of the monitoring visit of the representative of the Children's Rights Commissioner to one of the special schools in Ternopil Oblast, facts of violation of children's rights were revealed, including acts of violence against pupils of a special educational institution.

Based on these facts, the juvenile prosecutors of the Ternopil Regional Prosecutor's Office initiated criminal proceedings under Art. 137, Art. 151, Art. 153, Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (improper performance of one's professional duties regarding the protection of life and health of minors, illegal placement of a healthy person in a psychiatric institution, sexual violence, abuse of official position).



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