In the sky above Volhynia, two keys of gray cranes , the total number of which was 32 . Specialists of the Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanskaya Pushcha" note that this behavior is atypical for these birds, because they earlier they return from the warm lands much later .
It is noted that on January 27, near the village of Doo Lutsk District, Kivertsi National Nature Park "Tsumanskaya Pushcha" witnessed a unique phenomenon - in the sky they saw two "keys" of gray cranes (GRUS GRUS) with a total number of 32 individuals. The first flock consisted of 18 birds, the second of 14. Both flocks were moving in the western direction.
According to the experts of the Tsuman Pushcha, the early return of cranes can indicate climate changes that have affected the features of wintering of birds and their migration routes.
Gray crane (Grus grus) usually winter in warmer regions, such as Southern Europe, North Africa or the Middle East. Noticing them in the winter above Volhynia is a rare occasion that is most likely associated with a warm winter
According to ornithologists, the birds usually winter in the warmer regions - in the countries of Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Therefore, experts call their appearance over Ukraine in the winter.
“If cranes remain longer or return earlier, it can be a sign of warm winter or changes in their traditional wintering areas. Such data helps ornithologists monitor environmental trends, predict changes in natural environments and respond in a timely manner to possible threats to the species, ”specialists added.