In Transcarpathia, a drama is unfolding surrounding the disappearance of 20-year-old student Oleksandr Hashevskyi, which caused a significant public outcry.
A young man who recently returned from a holiday in the mountains disappeared under mysterious circumstances while traveling home to Lviv. The incident caused concern and speculation that his disappearance may be related to the Technical Center of Completion (TCC).
The family's lawyer suggested the possible involvement of employees of the Verkhovynsky TCC in the disappearance of the young man. Allegedly, he could have been beaten and kidnapped during the document check.
The student's father reported that the fate of his son remains unknown today, only unconfirmed information appeared that the body was allegedly found by Romanian border guards in the Tisza River.
In response to the request of the media, OK Zahid notes that the young man was not checked and was not detained by the military or other law enforcement officers. Also, Hashevskyi is not a violator of the mobilization legislation and has the right to deferment from the draft.