The head of the UDO appointed himself to the position, subordinates appealed to the president with a complaint

Ten officers of the State Security Service (SSU) expressed their displeasure with the actions of Acting Maksym Donets, chairman of the UDO, and appealed to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and other leaders of the country with a complaint. They claim that after the dismissal of the head of the department Serhii Rudy, who was held by Donets, he was not appointed to this position in accordance with the requirements of the law due to the presidential decree, but he independently issued an order for his promotion.

Which, according to the signatories, is illegal and indicates "arbitrary seizure of power in the state law enforcement agency."

They also stated that the new chief is preventing UDO employees from performing their duties. In particular, he ordered the first persons in the country to stand guard without weapons, which violates the instructions and "may lead to unforeseen consequences."

Another claim is the disbandment of two combat units of the UDO, which were performing tasks on the border of the Sumy region with Russia.

In addition, according to Donets' verbal order, the State Security Administration transferred all explosive substances and explosive devices to the SBU, "thereby destroying the combat capabilities" of the UDO. In particular, explosives were taken from dog handlers who trained dogs to find them.

"In conditions of constant attempts to carry out sabotage against the top leadership of the state, the above-mentioned actions of Acting the head of Ukraine's Security Service will in the long run lead to the fact that the enemy will be able to prepare and implement sabotage with the use of explosive devices against the President of Ukraine, top leaders of the state or representatives of foreign delegations, for whom state protection is provided," the letter emphasizes.

In May, Maksym Donets, without explaining the reasons, ordered some of the employees to be transferred to the reserve, effectively removing them from service, the appeal states. They were ordered to undergo a medical examination, and some were transferred to a department that, among other things, cleans bio-toilets at roadblocks. Among those transferred there are people at the level of colonels and heads of departments.

The signatories believe that this order is illegal and caused by "personal animosity towards a certain circle of subordinates."

Also, the officers-signatories believe that they received a number of punishments for no reason - from a reprimand to a demotion for "disciplinary offenses" or "dereliction of duty". An official investigation was not conducted on the eve of the imposition of fines.

The authors of the appeal ask Zelensky to cancel, in their opinion, illegal orders of Donets and to appoint a legitimate head of the UDO.



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