The National Anti-Corruption Bureau searched the former head of military communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau has searched the former head of military communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Volodymyr Rapka, and the former head of the Automation Development Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the case of the Dzvin-AS automated troop control system. According to information received from court case files and confirmed by interlocutors in anti-corruption agencies, the investigation conducted searches at the end of April, during which mobile phones and other items were seized.

Correspondence with the former head of the Armed Forces Automation Development Department and other persons was found on one of the phones belonging to Rapko. This phone became one of the material evidence in the case. Searches were also conducted at the actual owner of "Aikyuzhn IT" LLC, during which technical means protected by logistical protection were seized, which were seized.

During the searches, phones and laptops were seized from the former head of the Department of Automation Development of the Armed Forces, on which chats and correspondence related to the circumstances of the case were found. Searches were also conducted in the office itself, where documents and other property were seized.

In addition, the NABU conducted investigative actions against the former head of the military representation and the former head of the department for the organization of the application of automated systems of the Department of Automation Development of the Armed Forces. The latter was hired directly at Everest Limited LLC, which was engaged in the development of Dzvin-AS. Mobile phones, laptops and documents were also seized from them.

According to the investigation, they could seize and appropriate budget funds while fulfilling the terms of the state contract under the state defense order for the development of the Dzvin-AS automated troop control system.



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